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May 13, 2024

Shalom Chaverim,

On behalf of your fellow members of Congregation Kol Ami, I am writing to thank you for your participation in our kehillah over the past year and the financial support that you have offered. I am also asking you to make your financial commitment to Kol Ami for the upcoming year. Your support is vital in maintaining our congregation as an institution central to Jewish life in the Tampa community.

In the links below you will find a dues form and hardship application, as well as a dues schedule and tuition information. Kol Ami’s minimum dues structure is a flexible estimate of the fair share contribution sought from families with differing resources to sustain the congregation. Its purpose is to maintain the financial viability of Kol Ami, while ensuring that no one who makes a good faith effort to contribute is denied the opportunity to be part our community for financial reasons. 

To date, that end has been well served by Kol Ami’s dues policies in which the generosity of our members in pledging more than their fair share and making additional contributions has not only allowed Kol Ami to thrive, but also to be an inclusive institution in passing down our Jewish heritage.

Accordingly, to provide for our present services, programs, and activities, and ensure the long-term soundness of Kol Ami’s finances, I ask you to pledge more than the minimum dues if possible. Also, please be advised that at our Annual Meeting we voted to increase our dues across the board by $100.00.

I also encourage you to give serious consideration to remaining or becoming a member of the Council of Chai if your circumstances permit.  Information on giving opportunities and recognition offered by the Council of Chai may be found on the dues chart HERE .

Please review the dues chart online and: 

  • Confirm that the online form has your household in the correct income category.
  • Fill in the appropriate blanks on the online form and consider whether you may be able to pledge a little extra. 
  • Designate a billing schedule, and
  • Submit the form.

If you are doing a paper form please return the form as soon as possible, and in any event complete the online form or return the paper form by Friday, June 21, 2024. This will greatly aid our financial planning for the coming year.

To ensure the confidentiality of your dues commitment, you may return the hard copy form by mail or hand deliver it to the office in an envelope marked “Confidential - Dues,”, by email to  or by using the online form and doing this electronically.

You may also pay all dues, fees, and other charges using your Visa, Mastercard, AmEx or Discover Card by using the paper authorization form (HERE), completing the online form (HERE), or by going to and clicking on the “Donate & Payments” option.  

Be advised we will increase the convenience fee to  3%  on ALL credit card payments for the 2024/2025 fiscal year.

Payment of your dues commitment can also be done using appreciated stock. Please contact Mitchell Weiss, Executive Director for more information.

If you have not submitted the online form, or your paper form is not received in the office by June 28, 2024, or we have not heard otherwise, you will be billed your dues amount in effect for 2024/25, or the minimum dues for your category, using the same payment plan as you had in effect last year.

On behalf of Congregation Kol Ami, please accept my sincere appreciation for your continued involvement in our wonderful congregation.


Todah Rabah,

Kevin Cross



To renew your membership commitment online CLICK HERE
Please note that all personal information for our database can be updated on this form.
                   You must be logged into your account to complete the form.
For associate membership commitment online CLICK HERE
Please note that all personal information for our database can be updated on this form.
You must be logged into your account to complete the form.

To complete the Credit Card Authorization online CLICK HERE

To renew your membership commitment by printing then completing a hard copy CLICK HERE
For associate membership commitment form to print CLICK HERE

To view/print the dues request letter written by our President, Kevin Cross  CLICK HERE

To view/print the commitment dues chart CLICK HERE
To view/print the dues adjustment form CLICK HERE
To view/print Credit Card Authorization form CLICK HERE


What is Congregation Kol Ami's Budget, and How is it Used? Our budget goes to offer worship, lifecycle events, social events, holiday events, education for all ages, social justice initiatives, music, salaries and insurance for our clergy and professional staff, maintain our building, and so much more. 

What is the Sustaining Amount? By reviewing the Dues Commitment chart you can determine the sustaining number for you and your family. The sustaining numbers are our estimate of the amount required on a per household basis to cover all of Kol Ami’s costs. The sustaining number is determined by your age and size of house hold and can be found on the Commitment Dues chart link above. We understand that everyone’s financial situation is different and just ask that you give to the best of your ability.

Why is the Sustaining Amount Important? The sustaining amount is a meaningful indicator to consider as you determine your Pledge. It is what will help keep Kol Ami working for you.

What if I Can Give More? We encourage anyone who can give more to do so in order to support those who aren’t able. Please consider one of the Council of Chai levels listed on the Commitment Dues chart (which can be found above).

Why Do We Have a Security Assessment? Keeping everyone safe is one of our highest priorities. We are constantly monitoring our security needs in light of increased antisemitism. As part of your Pledge, we ask everyone to pay $150 to help offset the additional expenses of security upgrades and armed security professionals. 

Why Do We Have a Building Maintenance Fees? As part of your Pledge, we ask everyone to pay building maintenance according to their dues amount to meet the needs of ongoing building maintenance, repairs, and improvements required to keep Kol Ami functional, accessible, and comfortable for everyone. The amount to be paid can be found on the Commitment Dues chart above.



Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784